Thursday, September 24, 2020

The Girl That Disappeared

One gloomy afternoon a girl named Sarah when on a walk down the road she came across a narrow path leading into the woods behind their house she was never allowed to go into the woods her mum would never let her go into the wood her mum said that it was a dangerous place to go............

If you wanna read more of my narrative writing click Here

Thursday, September 10, 2020

The Fires in Wellington

 Today we did a quiz about whats happening in the world for one of the question it was what city was having a fire that cause smoke to go everywhere the answer was Wellington. We had to chose one of the question to research Bailee , Hannah and i chose The Wellington Fires.     


 For the past 2 weeks we have been doing prep. For prep i decided to work with Shakeira and Mercedes we came up with the idea to make simple...